MovieChat Forums > The Doom Generation (1995) Discussion > This movie sucked ass + we should all bo...

This movie sucked ass + we should all boycott it!!!

Not really, i actually enjoyed it a lot. But you know if you don't have a good subject line nobody reads your sshhiitt.

Question is: does anybody know where i can get the unrated version of the movie on DVD? Never seen the unrated version(or directors cut, whatever) but i understand Rose Mcgowen stays naked for a lot of the movie.

Web page, store, if anybody could lemme know i'd appreciate it much.



Netflix has it. If you're a member, I think you can buy it from them. And there are a couple copies on eBay. I was thinking of getting it..but there are no extras, except for the awesome trailer.


"Let the lovefeast begin."
"People are dying. The dialogue has to be up to it."



i bought the video tape directors cut
dvds are like oval tapes


I found it in a used CD/DVD store for 5 bucks...
