How violent is it really?

So reading all these posts I'm worried about seeing this now. Is it disgustingly violent, such as peeling off skin or seeing eye gouging, or is it more "violence" like you shoot them and they fall over/stab and move on, stab and move on?


Personally I can stand violence in movies pretty well but this one disturbed me.

"Look at us but do not touch"


The violence is very cartoonish and the special effects really aren't good enough for it to be disgusting.


"Let the lovefeast begin."
"People are dying. The dialogue has to be up to it."


Cartoonish? The castration and cutting up of various people at the end had me wincing and I can sit through PLENTY of violent movies. And the guys head being blown off at the beginning...


The castration was probably the worst, but it's hard to make out because of the strobe light. And the I said, bad special effects, and they were funny. I especially like X throwing the Carno Burger guy's blown-off arm back at him and it knocking him over..hahaha.


"Let the lovefeast begin."
"People are dying. The dialogue has to be up to it."


Some of the violence is just funny (and supposed to be so too!)(think about
the violence in Monty Python sketches; fake looking bloodsquirting etc.)
i.e. the blown of talking head and the blown of arm.

And then there is some incredibly hard to sit through violence
towards the end. Not cuz its soooooo gory or anything (that sh**t never bothers
me anyway) but simply cuz it so intensly shown with the flashing lights
and everything and cuz you love these character so much you dont wanna see them
get hurt!

But PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE (!) DONT let the violence keep you or
anyone else from watching this GREAT movie!


Everything except the end is Ultraviolence, not anything overly gory. It's meant for shock and humor, not to be a realistic movie.

The final scene is painful for 99.9% of men. It's not particularly gory, in that it isn't shown, but the implication and the filming style make it obvious that Jordan's *beep* over.


Ultraviolence is synonym for funny, shocking violence now? Heh.


"Let the lovefeast begin."
"People are dying. The dialogue has to be up to it."


WOW! I got bored and decided to look up movies that were a big influence in my younger years, this being one of those, and I'm amazed people still discuss it. So let me put it this way, I was like 15 or 16 the first time I saw this movie, way back in the day, and I didn't find it violent at all. Today it's merely a laugh. In fact, I actually think this movie is crap. 10 yrs ago it was amazing, today it's junk. But I give it to Mr. Araki...being as old as he was and making this film, and having some effect on me. Anyway, the violence, pfft! There's worse things out there...

I'll leave a wound when I cum, and scar when I'm gone


its like Mortal Kombat violence and theres a scene of Mortal Kombat in the movie that is very funny

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ok, thanks. I'm going to rent this the next time I have enough free time to watch it!
