worth buying?

I'm a huge fan of black comedy and I love films like Heathers and Natural Born Killers and was thinking about buying the Doom Generation,is it any good?


It's defiently worth buying but would you like it or think it's any good, I just don't know. The two movies you mentioned don't have enough similarities for me to say that you'd like it cause you like those. This movie is strange, silly and intimate. It's a small film for a small audience.

I love the vibe, atmosphere, the nonsense, the profanity filled insults, the sex, the chaos, the longing, and the pain. It's a whole thing...


Thanks 4 the advice.I'll check it out and let ya know what I thought once I have it watched.


This movie is nt worth the rent... nevermind the buy. Some of the worse acting I've seen in a long time. There are several moments where both the performances and the writing are laughable and ridiculous. I can't believe that this had a following! Save your money and your time.


I have to agree. I have seen a lot of movies in my day, and this ranks as the worst movie I've ever seen. It's painful to watch at regular play speed. As each scene was concluding, I would say Terrible!
I would give it a 1 rating, but the 3way scene knocks it up to a 2.


I just purchased it and I can't WAIT to get my hands on it. I just adore Johnathon Schaech and I heard he was absolutely stunning and sexy in this movie. It will be an exciting watch for me, that is for sure.

~*~See My Profile For More~*~


Have you died and gone to heaven Brutal after watching Johnathon in Doom??
Or did you drown in your drool.......lol

My Johnathon Schaech site:


You have NO idea!

~*~See My Profile For More~*~


Its worth buying..IMO at least.


Worth buying yes!



See if you can rent/watch it first... i love it, but saner people may not feel the same.

Dr. Lilian Thurman: The search for God is absurd?
Donnie: It is if everyone dies alone.


Finally watched it.Thanks 4 all the advice people,whether you thought it was good, bad or different.The Doom Generation does not come close to being 1 of my fav movies (it's a tad too strange and that's saying something seeing as I'm a fan of David Lynch!).On the upside though I thought it was hilarious(except the end!),the acting was fantastic,Rose McGowan was hot and you gots to love the Nine Inch Nails at the start.However the plot was dodgy at best and there were some inexplicably terrible scenes like the Vietnamese shopkeeper's head talkin.What the *beep* was that about!I'd recommend Natural Born Killers and/or Kalifornia over this anyday.


Unless you are an angsty gothic teenager who is somehow going to relate to the character of Amy Blue, you will hate this movie. What I especially hate about this movie is that the following of people that picked it up and decided that they like it are the kind of people who only like it because the majority of people in the world think its one of the worst things to ever disgrace recorded video. Basically the kind of people who are nonconformists just for the sake of nonconformity, which, in itself is conforming. They watch this movie and decide that they like it because their friends say they like it and when other people say it sucks they say they like it because they're "insane" (read: idiots).
The acting in this movie rivals that of a improv comedy show put on by 5th graders with down syndrome. The cinematography looked like they paid a hobo $5 to hold the camera. The lighting looked like they simply handed a flashlight to said hobo. Personally I find it hilarious that anyone would ever say they could relate to Amy, because her acting was so horrible, she doesn't even seem like a real person. However, perhaps this is a look into the psyche of such people, since, most of them are just acting that way anyway and eventually grow up to be "valuable" members of society. Most of their acting really isn't much better.
I let out audible groans of pain and discomfort while suffering painfully through this "movie." Stay far far away from it.
