
Why is it that the message boards of almost all my favorite movies each have that inevitable thread of "This is the worst Movie of all time"? Come on folks, that stuff gets old. If you have something interesting to say speak up, otherwise no one cares if you hated this movie. Chances are your life experiences caused you to relate to the movie differently than other people. If thats the case move on and try another movie. Meanwhile, "Eat my F---"

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself"



It's annoying as hell but this same post apears for virtually every film. You'll find it on every acknowledged classic movie as well. There'a always some cluckhead who wants two hours of their 'life' back.

"Where does imagination end and reality begin?" (Night Of The Demon 1957)


People have the right to express annoyance and disappointment. I thought the film was weird and disturbing. It's certainly left an impression but I'm not sure if I liked it. It's clearly meant to be one of those "profound" movies and I don't hate it, I just don't love it.
