You want a Dorito?

It's been a good twelve years since I've seen this movie, and I still cringe when I think about some of the scenes from this film. I wouldn't say it's the most disturbing movies, but it's definitely messed up. I tell people if they want to watch a "WTF" type of movie, then watch 'The Doom Generation.'


Me and my g/f are sitting here listening to Skinny Puppy, and she just brought up this movie..I had forgotten about them being in it, but am now dying to watch it again. I still haven't seen Smiley Face either :/

"Its nothing personal when bombs explode" - Chuck Palahnuik


How odd. My husband and I are sitting here listening to Skinny Puppy and I just brought up the movie and now I'm here.
Dun dun duunnn!
Nah actually it's not that odd.


Good thread name. Its nice to know someone else's favrite moments in movies are the most simple-and carry the most weight. I lovd how much fun it is to watch-in the same way oh, I don't know, ichi the killer was.

Nozz-a-la! the Drink of finer bumhugs everywhere!
