MovieChat Forums > Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) Discussion > ''What are the odds of us making it ther...

''What are the odds of us making it there on time?'' ''Zip.''

Why is McClane so certain that Hans knew he and Zeus would never get to the station on time when.............they both got there on time?

EDIT: Or would've made it on time if McClane had just went with Zeus.



Why is McClane so certain that Hans knew he and Zeus would never get the station on time when.............they both got there on time?

They only got there on time as they "cheated". As the film showed.
If they had taken a normal route, they never would have made it. Meaning Simon planned on them not making it.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


But did Simon say they couldn't take a certain route? I can't remember all the details, but I think the rules were to just to get there in the time given?


But did Simon say they couldn't take a certain route?

Simon planned it during rush hour knowing they could not make it.

I think the rules were to just to get there in the time given?

The rules were to make it was impossible to do so...which is brought up in the film.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


I know that Simon thought they wouldn't get there, but it seems a bit of a stretch that McClane knew the same and additionally that Simon would've blown up the track anyway, when he and Zeus could've made it on time. Based on the information given it would be more likely to conclude that the bomb went off because McClane wasn't at the payphone.

"The rules were to make it was impossible to do so"

Such as?


Yeah, I see your point but it wasn't that big of stretch.

The only reason they made it was because they cut through Central Park, something "impossible" Simon didn't even plan on. They would've never made it through traffic (then again, they could've taken an helicopter maybe :D). Anyway, knowing these impossible odds, McClane assumed Simon made it so this was an impossible feat so the bomb would go off regardless. Now he had 2 choices: either go after the bomb since they still had time or answer the phone and pray. He made the best choice out of the two because he could do something to prevent it (he knew the train where the bomb was and had time) where in the other case, he couldn't do anything and just had to take Simon's word for it.


Did you miss the part where the train runs over a wire and the bomb starts beeping? It was going to go off that way no matter what. Then when they got there McClaine and Zeus would've died. Then again in real life there's no way anybody could've survived that train wreck.

When the Story Lady tells us about the naughty boy who blew up his goldfish.



@UltronDoom86 You don't say... lol you completely missed that guy's point. He was pointing out that McClane GUESSED something that could've backfired, like there was a POSSIBILITY that he could prevent the explosion had he gotten to the phone with Zeus in time. Yes, WE know that the train would've exploded regardless, but McClane DIDN' KNOW that for sure at that point, he just used logic and basically was left with 2 choices: go pickup the phone or try to get rid of the bomb.

I showed the OP that, even though he didn't know for sure if the bomb would detonate or not, he still made the right choice because he could physically do something about it since he had time as opposed to pick up a phone and take Simon's word for it. Only after McClane made his choice do we learn that he was right as that bomb would indeed go off.


Mcclane saw the bomb start to mix. It's reasonable to assume that he knew what time it was, meaning it started to mix before the deadline and was meant to go off no matter what.


I noticed the same every time I watch that scene


Had McClane not left the car and jumped on the train, they both would have been there on time. That part always bugs me.


this is where they had to make the fake 911 call AND drive through central park?

the plan was to have it impossible within the thought of simon. simon not being completely aware of all the ways to get from point a to point b didn't realize it was doable during rush hour.


Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!


Simon didn't expect Mcclaine to be as crafty as he was. Zeus was also very quick thinking also. The only reason and I mean the ONLY reason Mcclaine and Zeus lived was because Mcclaine threw the bomb out of the window before it got next to the platform where everyone was standing and....the phones. It is my firm belief that Simon's goal was ultimately to kill Mcclaine in that blast..


"It is my firm belief that Simon's goal was ultimately to kill Mcclaine in that blast.."

Then why do you figure he planned so much other stuff for McClane (not "Mcclaine") to do?

If he had planned to kill him right there, why would he have bothered with all the other stuff? And didn't he seem reluctant to even let the fake cops kill McClane, when they asked about it on the phone / radiophone / walkie talkie / whatever it was?

Why would he have been like that, if he had planned to kill him even much earlier? And why wasn't he surprised and aggravated that he actually survived, if he had planned to kill him?

Still, it doesn't really make much sense either way - as is the unwritten rule of hollywood movies.


The bomb still went off, remember? That is what Simon wanted.
