6.6?! Really?

I mean this was, at the very least, better than something like The Next Three Days. What do you guys think of it? I don't understand why this film has such a low rating here - is it really because there were too many black people involved in the making of it?

Enjoy your egg whites.


Very underrated film.. .yeah took many blacks attached.


I am surprised by the rating, too. In the 21 months since you posted it has dropped to 6.5. I think it compares favorably against L.A. Confidential which has an 8.3 rating and received an Oscar best picture nomination. Devil in a Blue Dress has great production values and does a great job of recreating the atmosphere of post-war LA. As with many movies that are adapted from novels, it has a plot that holds together well. The acting was impressive across the board. I gave it an 8.


Yes, much better than L.A. Confidential.

An easy 8, bordering on 9.


It just isn't that good a film. Have all the people proclaiming this as a masterpiece seen Chinatown, of which this is but a limp, albeit serviceable, imitation? The Next Three Days is also better.

I WANT THE TRUTH! http://www.imdb.com/list/ze4EduNaQ-s/


I think you're being a bit hard on it there, but I broadly agree with what you're saying.

Devil in a Blue Dress is a nice recreation of Mosley's world and characters, but only an average film in it's own right - the rating simply reflects it's age and profile.


I haven't seen Chinatown or The Next Three Days. I'll add them to my movie list.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


Its an 8/10 easily


Its an 8/10 easily


Beauty is the means which we use to measure our own vanity. 


Its an 8/10 easily

It's ok to like more than one actor. :))


Movies with a lot of black actors tend to get much lower ratings on imdb. I don't know why that is. Racism? White voters not finding black people movies interesting? Some groups downvoting movies with black actors and directors for some reason? It is very weird but it has nothing to do with this specific movie.


I'm white. Gave it a well deserved 8. Loved Denzel and the rest of the cast. Good Elmore Leonard story, and the depiction of LA back some 70 years was beautifully done.

I don't think the low rating is necessarily racist. A lot of younger IMDB posters hate any movie that doesn't have explosions or superheroes.


Hell with it. Changed the rating to a 9.


Walter Mosley, not Elmore Leonard. Same genre though.

One of my favorite soundtracks btw.
