This is a stupid movie.

I was watching this the other day and I couldn't believe how dumb it was. I couldn't believe it, even for a tv movie.

Husband is abusive to house wife and that's pretty much it. No reason in particular except he's got to spend every minute of his life beating the crap out of her... It just doesn't make sense to me. I think they went too far with this.

Seriously, there is no motive for his character to be doing this except being an *beep* No justification for why he does it to her particularly except that she is his wife. Give me a break, I'd like this a little better if it had some kind of justification.

Then again, most of these tv movies are about women beaten by their husbands and there is nothing they can do about it because they won't give up.

He gets arrested at the end like he does earlier in the film but I guess this time he'll stop because he hurt her worse than he did earlier when he beat the crap out of her at his own parent's house.

I tell you, I yern for a tv movie with some origenality.


I thought that it was her parents' house that he beat her at.


There shouldn't be any reason for any *beep* to beat on his wife or girlfriend or anyone around them. What the hell kind of reason should their be for a bastard to beat on his partner?


Exactly. There is never a reason.
Men (and some women) are just control freaks. I'll never understand people like that, like the husband in this film for example.
The man has EVERYTHING, yet ruins it all.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I disagree with everything you said. The story is about a battered women on the run from Her estranged Husband, and there is much more to it as well, such as the having to move place to place, not having any help from the justice system, having Family turn their backs, and living in constant fear of being killed. If you actually took the time to think deeper about the movie, you would have understood the message the creators were trying to get across, the film was made in the first place to raise awareness about abusive relationships and how it can put a strain on the family. The film wasn't made for a thrill or personal enjoyment, if you want that then watch something else.

I also think it was pretty obvious what Her Husbands motive was, He was a passive-aggressive, manipulative, control freak who liked to have things done His way all the time, if He had no control over a situation then He would freak out and go into a rage, this in itself is a sign of low self-esteem and other emotional issues.

The movie did a good job of showing different elements of an abusive relationship, and the story was very touching. It's a shame you couldn't look at the deeper meanings and didn't grasp even the simple concept, it's a great film.

You sound like an ignorant, uneducated, pompous person to be honest, if you felt this way about it then write a review (If you already haven't). The film wasn't about "originality", it was about telling the real truth of what goes on in abusive homes, and how it effects the community.


I don't think he was overlooking the plight of battered women and no one should for that matter. I think it was the out of character characters and the unrealistic situations (especially the court scene). When Beth is battered, there are definite steps she can take. But here some of these steps are inconvenient for her, which I can agree with him are stupid. The situation with the court scene was so unrealistic. The defense attorney should have been objecting left and right, when she went on the rant about her paranoia. The D.A. was no better, when he let the defense question her about Kaye's ex. The whole scene was unbelievable.


Coming from an abusive relationship this is a very accurate movie. My ex needed no reason to hit me other than I was breathing. He was very charming to those around us. Almost everyone was fooled but I had to hide bruises almost daily. It felt like as soon as one healed a new one got put somewhere else. It was a nightmare. I did everything that he could want to prevent the beatings. It never did. So while you OP think this is a "stupid movie" this is a lot of people's reality.


I don't believe anybody and this definitely includes myself are downplaying the nightmare issues of abuse. It's just the way they are telling this story, that I think is doing a disservice to making people aware of abuse.


i believe its accurate as did you get out of your situation by running or confrontation ?
