I'm interested people

What do you think is the cheesiest line in the movie?

I cringed when Dawg said, "This dog will have his day"
and when Morgan says, "Bad Dog!"

any else?

"Sticks & Stones love! I saved your life, you saved mine, we're square!".


I'd have to say one of the lamest parts is when Morgan is holding the knife close to William's crotch, where he is holding the map. She sees that the letters reflected in the knife are backwards. The dialogue goes like this:

"MORGAN: They're backwards!
WILLIAM: I assure you ma'am, they are normal in every respect."

I always roll my eyes at that part.

"You break his heart, I'll break your face."
-Watts, "Some Kind of Wonderful"


How about just about every line out of Modine's character's mouth during the dance scene? I've heard *much* better humor of that sort. Or maybe it was just the way he carried it. I'm not sure because that whole thing sets him up to look like he's going to be a stereotypical feminine-gay-male character (to me, anyway), and that put me off.

Edited Part:
I'm not sure that sounds ok. I have no problems with anyone's sexual orientation. I just prefer to have that particular *stereotype* in comedies that are played as such.


posted in the year 2004
