Cop out at the end

The end of the film is a total cop out. The board of inquiry decided that Captain Ramsey and Commander Hunter were both right. Both men were acting according to the rules and the situation. The film should have been braver.

Ramsey clearly was responding to incomplete orders and would have launched nuclear weapons at Russia. Hunter was right to wait for a proper clarification. The discussion at the start of the film about the use of atomic bombs on Japan, hinted that Ramsey was not an intellectual , but a practical professional officer. His actions would have resulted in a nuclear war had Hunter not relieved him of his command.


Well the orders were complete, it’s just that a new message was coming through and got cut off. Does that mean you automatically abort the previous order? Apparently not according to Navy protocol, although it would seem to be the common sense thing to do.


"Does that mean you automatically abort the previous order?"

Not until they verify what the message at hand means. Even the Navy should have the common sense to verify all messages given to them. Every message is important, even ones cut off.


That is how things get sorted though. The Captain is old, served a lot of time probably well respected, has lots of friends. Is told to "retire early" and gets to keep his pension. Which is just another way of saying "You're fired".

The other guy gets promoted and therefore shuts up about the whole affair.

Politics at work.
