Name of Song??

What is the name of the song that's playing when the Dr. is looking through the photographs at her apartment. This happens after the cops visit her for the first time about the case. I love that song and I listened to a sample of the soundtrack but couldn't find any resemblence to that song.


yeah, i know. at the end of the movie just look at the credits, it'll be there.



Its called "Murder By Numbers"



It's called Requiem.

A clever person knows all right answers...A wise person knows all the right questions...


I was hunting for that piece too earlier and someone here was kind to answer.
Its called "In Paradisum", a requiem composed by Ganriel Faure. I later googled and found out that it was actually a very popular piece amongst classical circles and a critically acclaimed requiem. Nice choice by the director. Amazing, how movies help you find good music many times.
This piece is also featured in the "most relaxing classical album" along with other great pieces. Check here, you can sample it


same song was played in 28 days later I believe
