Best humiliation scene ever!

So, as Dexter leads Medfield to the finals of the College academic team decathlon, Norwood Gills of Hale University, and our pint-sized Hitler for this story, storms the stage and announces to the live audience and the home viewers that Dexter's a fraud. He's not really smart, he just had a computer database downloaded into his head. He tries to rally the audience against Dexter, but no takers. This is where I would be saying "and you've seen how popular I am." But no, Norwood tries pushing to get someone on his side, until he's booed off stage. He just keeps protesting until he's dragged off stage by the host and two security guards.

Normally, I try to avoid scenes like this; I just feels so embarrassing to watch something this humiliating, but here, it's just hilarious. Maybe because Norwood's a villain. Heck, even Dean Jones tells him to sit down and be quiet.

For whatever reason, I love this scene.

Brother Maynard, bring forth the holy hand grenade!


worst humiliation scene ever.

Norwood may be one of the antagonists in this story but he is also the hero. He is the only character who works for good.

All of the characters at the always cheating Medfield College are in a conspiracy to defraud hundreds or thousands of potential students of thousands of dollars each. That is theft on a large scale. They are no better than Bernie Madoff.

Dean Jones at rival Hale University clearly wishes he could swindle on so large a scale. The two alleged government agents push Dexter out of a moving vehicle and claim that they can get away with anything.

Norwood invented a method of memory erasing. That is something which many thousands or millions of researchers will take decades or centuries to discover in real life. So you could say that Norwood is not only more intelligent than anyone else, he is more intelligent that EVERYONE else in the world combined.

Norwood's creative genius is the greatest asset of the human race. But the dean at Hale University underestimates it so much that he uses Norwood as a performing monkey in the College Knowledge Bowl to get publicity for Hale University. He trained Norwood to get his feeling of self worth from winning the quiz show instead of from the accomplishments that could save the world which Norwood is capable of.

No wonder Norwood is upset when a seemingly more intelligent person comes along to take his crown. And even if Norwood wasn't arrogant but humble, he could plainly see that it is impossible for any human to be as much more intelligent than Norwood as Dexter seems to be. (In real life it is totally impossible for any human to be as intelligent as Norwood, let alone more so). Norwood must know that the always dishonest people at Medfield college are cheating him out of his rightful fame.

Even though Norwood is mostly fighting to retain his reputation as the world's greatest genius, he is intelligent enough to know that exposing the fraud of Medfield College will save thousands of people from being swindled out of their hard earned money.

So I say that the humiliation scene is the final victory of evil over good in this film.

PS see my review


where's the clip??
