
Inception (2010, C. Nolan) is sharing the same idea of dreaming inside another dream, and (like The Matrix) of being endangered in a virtual world. However this movie seems to bear more symbolism.

For example it could be that we need children to be able to pursue a dream or continue dreaming, fighting insomnia and depression.

But Krank dies when one of the clones reconnect him with himself being a child... a sort of short-circuit, or infinite loop of dreams beyond recovery.



Terry Gillian, the 12 Monkey (1995) ? cf. La Jetée (1962).

No, i can discard the visuals :) I don't know what happens to Gillian, long time i didn't see a movie from him..



Thanks, i viewed the 12 monkeys when it came out, and was very impressed. Since 2 years i'm (re)viewing as much movies i can (right now Italian neorealism, wonderful..), sorry i forgot about T. Gillian !


I saw La Jetée knowing nothing about it, in my early 20s and was simply blown away. An entirely new experience for me. I'd seen it a few times, over a few days, as I had borrowed a 16mm print (and projector) from my county library!!! Those were the days.....before video.

When I heard Gilliam was basing 12 Monkees on this short, I was really looking forward to it, as a fan of his work. Unfortunately, nothing could have topped my original memories. The chills every time I saw her eyes flutter open, never lessened.

Monkees, while good, reminded me too much, of Brazil, and Time Bandits, in art direction style.
He was a brave man to even attempt a full-length "reimagining" such a compact, perfect work of art.

I sound like a blowhard, forgivr me.

Something I love about Lost Children is the poster art.
I know the character from the film is wearing electrical equipment: wires, tubes etc.
But every time I see it (the poster), I see a dignified Mayan/Incan Cheif wearing an ancient headdress.

It just reminds me that the film captures a timeless, primative age of imagination seen in only the very best fairy tales; one that does not let the entertainment value get in the way of the lessons we must remember and pass onto our on children.

Now listen here, you mugs, nobody gets to say 'Meh' anymore unless you're Edward G. Robinson, see?


the aging in the dream sequence reminded me of Inception

so many movies, so little time
