One to Watch !

An Excellent film, scary to the point it really happened, and but for
the excellent Joss Ackland many lives could of been saved, the
Atmosphere of the film is superb, a grey and grimy Russia of those
times, I just dont understand why it was not a major release.
One to Watch and enjoy.



It was a true story <_<

I havent seen this movie. but am interested in it and will probably see it in the next couple days.



I don't know how Chris Gerolmo works but he definately is someone to watch. Mississippi Burning is a gem as well - he currently has 'Resurrecting the Champ' in production which I'll make a point of seeing.
I'd like to see what he could do with a period movie - something like Jack the Ripper or an almost horror in a witch hunting vein. He has a knack for catching atmosphere and getting good dialogue delivered well with talented actors. He tells a good story - very effective director and writer.


This is a very good police procedural, but it also has some of the limitations of movies made for cable. Also: Why were they speaking English instead of Russian? Oh well, I guess I ask for too much. 7/10 stars.
