i think it sucks

actually i didn't watch it to the end because it lulled me asleep in the 1/3 way..i though it was kinda of psycho...uh.actually kinda of disgusting to see so many chains in da body..plus...hmm..i am chinese and i didn't quite catch the strong accent...i bet it was kinda of british accent..but where exactly in Britain?


Don't know about the accent (besides the fact it sounds great- especially Plummer's- who's not british I guess). Could it be a northern accent?
But it's one of my all-time favourite films.

A disturbing road movie, quite dark, however it carries a strong message about what the lack of love can do to a confused mind.
It's also sort of romantic, even with all the violence.
A stronger and more outrageous Thelma & Louise, in my opinion.


"All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases. It's all frightfully romantic"- Juliet- HC





i would love to be a fly on the wall in the psychiatrist's office of anyone who found this film even remotely entertaining



Totally agree with that statement....this movie is the worst piece of trash I've seen in a very long time, awful awful waste of time.


Forget the narrative - concentrate on the filmic elements. Yes it's weird, yes it's annoying and hard to follow - but do you think that's what Winterbottom was trying to achieve?

Play the comparisons game - think "Thelma and Louise" and then watch the film again - it's a 'road movie' if you want to put this movie into its genre class.

Saying "I think it sucks" and then agreeing with this statement counts for zilch!



damn, i was going to watch that movie, but hearing all the bad reviews, i guess i won't. i mean when i read the summary, i was kind of weird about seeing it. i'm not much for women running aruond killing people and just happening to fall in love(although i liked Gasoilne a lot). seems like it's way to much drama for 2 hours. well, i guess i have the message boards to thank for sparing me.

thanks, erica



"'m not much for women running aruond killing people and just happening to fall in love(although i liked Gasoilne a lot)"...

*beep*, that should be it, there´s nothing more to cinema than that... don´t even need a plot. So what´s the movie about? This chicks kill some people, then have sex, then kill some more, and in the end they turn into *beep* zombies... and have sex some more. *beep* count me in!


I don't think you should avoid watching this though. I must admit that at first, I was really annoyed by the movie. In fact, I had a love-hate relationship throughout the whole thing - I mostly hated the high-brow pretension mixed with gratuitous sexual perversions, but in the end, I loved the weirdness of it all, the death drive of one character, and the intense, damaged need for love in the other. After the film finished, and I thought about it a little, I realized that it actually is pretty good.

It's just not the most entertaining movie. It'll disgust and repel you in parts, but it's also very interesting and does somewhat capture your imagination.

But you need to decided where you stand on this. I've heard for years how bad Twilight the movie was and I was like every other person, in that I just denounced it offhand, like a knee-jerk reaction. I thought I knew what it was about, without even watching it.

Finally, I decided to watch it, to see for myself. I hated it. It WAS what everyone else was saying - juvenile, audience-insulting fluff. But at least I found out for myself. You should too.

Think of it this way, you only have one life. So what if you don't end up liking it. Life is about experiences. You got to have the bad to appreciate the good. Do yourself a favour and just try, at least, to watch this. Even if you don't like it, somewhere, some piece of this film will always stay with you, because even if you think it sucks, there WILL be a crumb or two that speaks to you, and that alone, is worth it.


it does not suck at all. or are u all people lost in all those american comercial rubbish. unusual yes, shocking yes, but very very good in its own way. long live eunice


Thanx majaturkalj!!! You seem to be the only one in this thread who managed to understand the message! Thanx!


I sort of got it too, in a way. I enjoy this film very much.
But film interpretation is not my forte.

I usually see it the way I feel it.

If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself, and then make a change


It's a brilliant film but it's obviously not for everyone. Some people just won't get it, others are too closed minded, or are bringing prejudices or baggage that I don't think fits or applies, and for others it's just not to their taste. Amanda Plummer is incredible. Christopher should be proud as hell.


I saw it when it first came out and remember it as bleak downbeat devoid of sentimentality with little or no humour - in fact just about perfect. I've been trying to remember what it was called so I can get the DVD if one exists.




Yeah, it was fairly boring, I was hoping for something a little more exploitive. It did manage to keep me maintaining a certian level of interest, there were a couple of times I was going to turn it off, but decided not to.

"No man is just a number"


The accent is a Lancashire accent. Lancashire is in the North West of England.


I am from Lancashire, but I'm sorry to say that no one in Lancashire speaks like Amanda Plummer in this film, no one in the world does. Is she a graduate of the Dick Van Dyke School of Accents? I found the film consistently interesting, but the dodgy accents, in this very talky film, were disproportionately distracting.


It`s about the most nauseating English accent I`ve ever heard in my life. And generally, following around these two retarded, psychotic women was just too bloody much...

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


calling a regional accent nauseating is just so silly and parochial -it merely reveals you as naive and untravelled. I'm guessing you are provincial American, yes?


This is a fabulously angry and melancholic tale of love, loss and despair, worth watching if for no other reason than the two incredibly talented female actors, so raw are these performances that they are able to instil strong emotional reactions in the people who watch this independent film, which is what great art is supposed to provoke. The very fact that some people hated this movie is testament to its greatness. I’m certainly surprised any casual movie watcher should have stumbled onto such a commercially inaccessible movie, so well done for taking the plunge especially if this is not the kind of cinema you would usually spend your time viewing.
