Just noticed....

Sorry if this was covered before, but I just noticed this when I watched this yet again last weekend. At the beginning of the movie, Carol asks Cindy to take the Dittmeyer's mail next door and to see if the Dittmeyer's have any of their mail. Cindy agrees in her wholesome, agreeable way and goes skipping off with the mail. When she gets outside you hear the happy Brady music, and as soon as she gets to the fence separating the Brady's yard and the Dittmeyer's yard you immediately hear jungle music and wild animal music, as if the rest of the world is so horrendous apart from the Brady property. Brilliantly going along with the idyllic world the Brady's live in! I'm sure other's have noticed this as well, but it was sort of subtle to me so I didn't pick up on it and it of course only lasts a few seconds.


I noticed it too.
