Coffee + Cigarettes plug?

In the cameo with Jim Jarmusch, he says something like: "Coffee and cigarettes, the perfect breakfast." A few years later, he comes out with a film called Coffee & Cigarettes. Coincidence? I think not...

Alas... how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise.





Actually Jarmusch began shooting Cofee and cigarettes in 1987 or something like that (before blue in the face)



Actually, it didn't come out until 2003.
Talk about a long term project!


i don't think this is a coincidence. Coffee and Cigarrets is a project that Jim ran for about 15 years. in fact, just putting everything together... would Jim put that scene from blue in the face on C & C if, and just IF Blue in the face had never been released? I know it wasn't even his movie but... why not? most scenes from blue in the face were made on improvisation right?

If this was a serious world, you would probably work as a clown.



Hey Jane, if your comment was a reply to my comment, well, read what i wrote again. the first short for C&C came out around that time, 86. the full-lenght movie, C&C came out on the 2000's, you see? Jim kept making a lot of shorts with that theme in mind.

If this was a serious world, you would probably work as a clown.
