
I watched this when I was younger and had read quite a few of the books... it was second grade so I honestly don't remember how the books were, really. I remember the full house books more lol. But I am 26 and I still LOVE this movie. I first saw it when I was maybe in 5th grade. I remember when I was little I always let things soak in more, like details. Especially fashion details. I loved all the hats and shoes and focused really hard on all their different outfits matching their personalities haha. It's a cute movie and I still adore it. I love the cast, it's perfect.

And question, did anyone find Alan to be way cuter than Logan? I never thought that actor was cute. He was in My Girl 2 as Vada's love interest and I didn't find him attractive in that either. If they needed a blonde why not JTT? He was pretty hot at the time. I didnt find him all that hot but he was popular with most girls and had a good career going. Or even Macaulay Culkin. He was cute around that age. I had such a crush on Alan the "weirdo" I think he's still good looking and got pretty sexy actually haha.



I thought Logan was cute, but he was kind of a jerk in the movie. He was definitely flirting with Cokie in some scenes.
