MovieChat Forums > The Thief and the Cobbler (1995) Discussion > IMDb should really let us vote seperatel...

IMDb should really let us vote seperately for different versions...

...because essentially they're different movies. Someone once said that a movie is created in the editing room, and boooy were they right.

Now, the workprint is exactly that: an inclomplete film... But many people base their rating of The Thief and the Cobbler on THAT version which in essence doesn't exist. If the workprint was ever to be completed I'd probably give it a 9 or 10. But my vote is for the 1993 version called The Princess and the Cobbler, and I gave it a 7 because, well, the songs just don't belong and it is a little watered down. If I were, however, to vote for the 1995 re-issue called Arabian Knight I'd probably give it a 3 because, while the visuals are still good, it's just a terrible movie!

My point is, these entries should be seperated and voted for individually. The Princess and the Cobbler would probably be 7.5 while Arabian Knight would be 3.5.

Any opinions on this?


Agreed. I just saw the Miramax version, and was appalled at what they had done to William's work. Disney needs to make Miramax go away forever. It is a crime worthy of death.

"If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk."
-Lewis Carroll


A 3.5 is way too high a rating for the Miramax excuse for a "cut".

Okay, so? She's a dog.
