MovieChat Forums > The Thief and the Cobbler (1995) Discussion > They made The Thief look like a racist ...

They made The Thief look like a racist Jewish Caricature

It's a bit disturbing


He's actually a caricature of Ken Harris, one of the animators.

Makoto Nikolaevich Nagavatsky


the russians and the palestinians wouldnt see it asa the zionist jews ARE thieves.

Still what evidence the thief is jewish?

'He who takes things out of the Earth invites disaster'..Hopi saying


Brian Greenberg, don't you think that you have taken this "self-loathing Jew" thing way too far?


Yeah, 'cause you know, like the Jews are the ONLY people who take ANYTHING out of the Earth. Unlike the Russians and Arabs, who definitely don't take any resource from the ground...

Don't get me wrong, I'm no Zionist or fan of the state of Israel, but your anti-semitic *beep* and assumption that all Jews are part of a Zionist conspiracy needs to be called out in this day and age.


That Hopi saying is his signature quote, not a part of his typed message.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


If he was a racist Jewish caricature he would have a beard. The symbol on his cap isn't the Star of David, it has too many points.

Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show, I should really just relax."
