
This film was a big deal when it came out. I was about 17 at the time and the hype around it was pretty big and rightly so as it was a terrific film.

I don't get people calling it cheesy as I see nothing cheesy here. It's pure emotion and drama from start to finish....unless that is what some people consider cheesy which is incredibly sad. Emotion isn't a weakness and to think so make me believe some people haven't been brought up right.

The CGI was pretty incredible for the time and it still hold up well today as does the story.

A true cinema classic and no mistake.


It bothers me that this isn't at least an 8.8 on this site. I absolutely love this movie and don't understand how anyone could think otherwise

If I see this randomly on TV I immediately tune in whereas I don't do the same with Forrest Gump. I think this one has even more emotion.

I wish I was old enough to appreciate 90s movies when they came out...I love it


orbital bombardment system
