Is 13




some hotels and office buildings I've been in don't have 13th floors. they have a 13th but they skip it in the numbering, 11 12 14 15 16 etc. Vegas casino hotels a few are like this too.
there are 13 rings/loops in the hangman's noose.
"they" say its unlucky, but numbers like 8, 3 and 6 are very lucky 4 is death that is the worst number you can have. . I've stayed in rooms in casinos that have lucky numbers like 13368, and have had the best luck ever. but rooms with 449 are the worst. if u are superstitious the numbers hold true. if u don't believe, then u better start lol

but as far as your question in relation to the movie, no, 13 wouldn't be unlikely in this sense cuz they made it home, but if they died, then id say it was doomed. depends how u look at it in this case.


Actually, many hotels don't really skip the 13th floor. Rather, it is set aside for services like air conditioning and water pumps, staff rooms and the likes. It is done that way because guests can count and many refuse to stay at the 13th floor, no matter what number it's marked with.

On a side note: way back, my husband's grandmother broke a mirror. It is said this brings seven years of bad luck ...
Well, far as I can tell, she didn't have any more bad luck than before. But whenever something bad happened, she kept chanting "the mirror, the mirror."

