MovieChat Forums > The American President (1995) Discussion > Why was the daughter uninterested in the...

Why was the daughter uninterested in the Constitution?

Government, at least its surface appearances, felt too close-to-home and commonplace to her? Even though she was a really good student otherwise?


She was playing the part of a well adjusted teenager.


She was probably sick of being identified as "the President's daughter", and wanted some personal space for herself. Having to study the Constitution, with her father over her shoulder, just reinforced the irritation. She was a trooper though, taking it in stride and playing a mock "Hail to the Chief" when he left the room.


All little kids hate what their parents do. My parents worked as geologists and librarians.


I took it as showing that her father, who is in the political business and who was interested in being a history professor, is cramming the Political Science stuff down her throat and she is a little bored with it. Yes, "We the People" seems to get his blood going, but if she's like I was, she's trying to get through all that 18th century high sounding phrasing and figure out what each sentence means; it is too soon for her to be jumping up and down and yelling "Holy Crap, this document RULES!" or whatever.


Plenty of offspring of famous people/celebrities end up treading a different path from that of their parents. The sub - thread was never really followed up in the film, but I always had the impression, she was just going through a stage.🐭


I wondered if she was wise enough to realise that anything on that subject said in class would be of interest to the murkier side of the press. Later in the film there was a throwaway line on TV about speaking to one of her classmates which may support such an idea?


I was annoyed by his interrupting her fun to make her read a textbook. I am both interested in politics and despise politicians and the way the system operates.


She must be a Democrat.
