MovieChat Forums > Tom and Huck (1995) Discussion > Looking for another adaptation of this.....

Looking for another adaptation of this...(animated)

I used to have an animated version of Tom Sawyer many many moons ago on VHS that I borrowed from a friend. It wasn't really a well known version, just something you would get in the dollar bin at WalMart or the Dollar Tree, but I really loved it for some reason, I remember it being pretty faithful to the book and watched it countless times when I was a kid.

I don't remember much of anything about it except that it was done in Japanese style animation (very similar to alot of the old Nick Jr. shows at the time, Papa Beavers Storytime being the first that comes to mind, anybody remember that one?) and that it would probably have been made in the mid to late 90's, if not earlier, I would love to be able to track this down and relive some childhood memories but looking on here Im not having much luck.

Does anybody know of this version and where I could obtain a copy???

~*Copulate me nonviolently with a mechanical gas powered tree cutting device!*~
