Favorite Ace Ventura quote

1."ALL RIGHTY THEN" (didnt see that one comin' huh)
2."Do not pass go.Do not collect 200 Dollars."
3."Guano bowls...collect the whole set."
4."I just cant do it capin'.I don' have the power(in a scottish accent)
5."No nothing is wrong. This is a lovely room of death.Take care now,Bye,Bye then."
what is yours?

freddy k. rpg http://imdb.com/title/tt0117571/board/thread/73967460?d=73967460#73967460




When he was talking to the bad guy. ( I think his name was Vincent). And saying backwards. "Thats what you slipped in thats what was on you shoe and that explains the abraisn on your palm."

"We got both types of music: Country AND Western"


Oh darn so many!

- Can you feel that huh? Can you feel that captain compost?!

- They day of redemption is at hand! Repent, and thou shalt be saved.

- I'll have you know that I have the reflexes of a cat and the speed of a mongoose. Throw it. I DARE YOU!

- Bumblebee tuna? Bumblebee tuna! Ace Ventura, Pet Detective! How are you this afternoon? Excuse me... Your balls are showing...

- Spank you, Helpy Helperton...

- Nonsense, Poopy-Pants!

- Everyone loves a Slinky! You gotta get a Slinky. Slinky, slinky, slinky! Go Slinky go!

9th April 2007


I kind of think this is an underappreciated comedy. I can't remember much from the first Ace Ventura, but for some reason, certain lines and certain comic situations from this one stick with me still.

"I can't help but notice that you just referred to me as 'white devil'"
Translator: "That's how they know you already"

(as William Shatner) "There's-something-on-the-wing... some.... THING"

The scene with tribal chief spitting into his face as a sign of honour. This also is the scene when all the villagers prostrate themselves when he says the name of the sacred bat ("Shi-ka-ka"), but he tricks them by saying "Chicago" and penalizes the Chief (who complies!).

That scene when parts of his body get individually paralyzed with poison darts as he tries to escape and his arms flail around like they are boneless.

And that scene in the hut just after he avoids the temptation of that African princess, and they walk in on him.

So many more.
This is a hilarious movie.
Low brow, but hilarious.


They day of redemption is at hand! Repent, and thou shalt be saved.

ha ha!


LOL. Mine is "Leh-who-zeh-her." (Loser)

It's Time To Play The Game... - Jigsaw or Triple H's Old Theme (whichever you prefer)


"If I were you I'd turn back Ace"

"Well if you were me then I'd be you! And I'd use your body to get to the top! You can't stop me no matter who you are!

Common Sense is the Least Common of the Senses



'Sorry....that last hand, nearly killed me'
-Daniel Craig as James Bond in Casino Royale


"If I were you I'd turn back Ace"

"Well if you were me then I'd be you! And I'd use your body to get to the top! You can't stop me no matter who you are!

^^ HAHA!!! That's my favorite one also!


When he has a spear in each leg and hes screaming "It's in the bone"

"we aint gotta dream no more man"


Greenwauld: "Forgive me sir but if we don't hurry now, we might miss the plane."
Ace: "Of course, how selfish of me, lets do all the things that YOUUUU want to do."

"....and that motive is......pluahhhhh."

"You know, you might think about getting this baby detailed."

"Spank you helpy-helperton"

Greenwauld: "There isn't anything in your hair."
Ace: "Of course, I was merely running a drill."

"Entrance to the winners circle!"


I love

"Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Bang Bang YEAH!"


"Liiike a Gloooove."


"Stuck In parallel worlds, something supernatural, It won't let me go".


hehe tht bit had me in stitches! lol
i love the cave bit tho 'bat?! what bat?!!'





From the first one

When he solves the suicide of Roger

Ace: I have exercised the demons....This house, is clear.

When he's talking out of his ass to his friend, and Lois approaches the desk

Ace: Asssshole-amio, ohhhh Sodameia (Excuse the spelling)
Lois: What's HE doing here?
Ace: Holy Testicle Tuesday

My favorite one from the second one is

Ace: Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars (in the monopoly, oldman voice.)



Friends, rodents, quadrupeds, lend me your rears!

Your request is not unlike your lower intestine: stinky and loaded with danger.

(after the medicine man yells at him, showing his rotten teeth)
You know, gingivitis is the number one cause of all tooth decay.

(sitting in the bush, spying on the wachutu clan )
Wunderbar!", he exclaimed with great relish.

Fe Fi Fo Fum! I smell... the fingerprints of scum!

Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you. And our pretty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang love us, too. Hi, ho. Everywhere we go on Chitty Chitty we depend. Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, our fine four-fendered friend. Our fine four-fendered... Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Bang Bang yeah!

Waiting for: Alien: Colonial Marines, God of War 3, Resident Evil 5, GTA4: Vice City (hoping).




"At ease soldier, we all make mistakes"

"All right. This white devil thing has gone far enough. Nobody messes with The Dude"

"Violence is no longer in my nature, but if you want it, you got it sister"

"You know, Gingivitis is the no.1 cause of all tooth decay"



What is it the Wachati possess that is of great value to other men....... besides the princess with an amazing rack.


"Yes, Satan?"


when Ace got caught masturbating.. "I was just practicing my mantra"


Luuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiike a glove! is the funniest line
