best part

i love the part where they fight those three guys with pizzas's that was cool.


the best part was the credits.


I really liked the end where Rocky and Tum Tum are teasing Colt.

Tum Tum: "So are you going to kiss her?"
Colt: "Who?"
Tum Tum: "Her! Jo!"
Colt: "Nan."
Rocky: "Yes, you are!"
Rocky and Tum Tum: "Colt's gonna kiss Jo! Colt's gonna kiss Jo!"
Colt: "C'mon, guys. Okay..Okay..Maybe I will."
Rocky and Tum Tum: "WHAT???!!!!!"

And of course...the ending credits(which for some reason I enjoyed!)


Tum Tum: What is this? a mercedes benz?
Colt: It means peace, pizza brain
Tum Tum: Peas? I hate peas...

I love that part, where they're getting the war paint on, it was amusing

Oh and the random Dance sequence, I dunno why, but I liked it



BY FAR the best part was the "ninja dance" scene...
you thought they wouldn't go that cliched route...but oh they did.

this is one of my new favorite movies! it has it all!
