Revival! no Reboot!

To me a reboot means that the original product wasn't good enough, but the concept was, so 'hey, let's give it another go'.

Now I read in a fairly recent article that the person in charge of the reboot said this...

"so why does this need to be a reboot and not a continuation? The answer for me is that the reboot is not a repudiation of the classic show, but rather a compliment to it. I want for Xena to be a cultural icon for longer than my tenure in the entertainment industry, or that of anyone else involved with the project. If, in some far future, people assume that Xena is a character from the greek mythological pantheon alongside Hercules, and that’s why so many people have played her over so many years? That right there would be success."

Now if im not mistaken...Xena already IS a cultural icon! and is still fairly popular after 20 years. So it seems to me like he is saying "I can do it better". but trying to duplicate that chemistry, comedy, drama, action and adventure might prove to be difficult.
Especially since, from what I've seen so far, Fans refuse to see anyone but Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. which i can understand!

Now, to me a, complement would be a revival (continuation of it) Because it would mean leaving the Canon that everyone knows and love intact. and paying homage to it, not forgetting it existed.

I would absolutely love to have the original cast Back. But as that may not be is a different ideas to keep Canon intact. It's simple really...

REINCARNATION! they have shown this in Xena already so it wouldn't be an alien concept. It's such an easy way to explain the different actors, armor and the fact that they are lesbian. And it wouldn't have to start where the final season left off. the whole first season could be (insert name here) Finds out that she is actually the reincarnation of the legendary Warrior princess. She continues to find out what happened at the end through stories from older people that knew them..or more likely, descendants of people that know them. that is what changes her life. Sets out on a path to find the legendary weapons. Ends up running into (insert name here) the bard. Finds the graves of Xena and Gabrielle. Finds out the Gods set them on this path for a reason. This reason is the next season. Hell, maybe Lucy and Renee can make an appearance as the old souls.

it can be called (heros name): the legend of Xena..or (Heros Name): The new adventures of Xena.

Or something like that...

Anyway, My point is that they don't need to negate the Xena canon just because they can't think of new ideas...listen to the fan base or it will FAIL!

What I'm really worried about is that, from what I read, they seem to be heading towards more of a drama. Where Xena was an action/adventure. It was funny, quirky, emotional, sexy (without being sex driven) and very story based. I also loved the subtex. I found it added to the tender moments and the comedy.
I absolutely love Fantasy/sword & shield shows and it would be nice to have more of a fun one again instead of a dramatic,everyone you love dies all the time, one. (yes, I know that did happen in Xena, but it was different, k)

well if you got through all that..thank you for reading my little rant, just needed to get that off my chest.


My point is that they don't need to negate the Xena canon just because they can't think of new ideas...listen to the fan base or it will FAIL!

If they're smart, they'll do just that. Well said.


How does a reboot mess with Xena canon? It's simply another version with it's own canon.

Captain Rex: In my book, experience outranks everything.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars





They are taking their time with it. It doesn't even have an imdb page or anything yet.


No Lucy or Renee? I say cancel the reboot. The ratings will agree cause many people will be upset. I can see it already.


You know eventually they will, and there is nothing you can do about it.
