MovieChat Forums > WMAC Masters Discussion > How did this show end? (Spoiler question...

How did this show end? (Spoiler questions)

When I was watching the second season of this show, I learned that Jukido (the evil ninja organization) had managed to steal the Dragon Star during the Women's Dragonstar Match and that Warlock and Tracer were responsible. Wizard confessed how he wasn't involved with Jukido anymore and how his wicked brother Warlock was plotting to destroy the WMAC. The last thing we see is Tsuami grinning cockily to Tracer and Warlock and saying "Now that we have the Dragonstar, what shall we do with it"?

1. How did this show end? The producers just left it hanging in the air?

2. What was Wizard's fate?

3. Part of Great Wolf's vision came true. Why didn't the other half involving Tsunami come true?

4. Is Tsunami the one helping Jukido or not?

If anyone has the answers to these questions, please post.


i have no idea but here are my guesses

1. How did this show end? The producers just left it hanging in the air?

yes they did--mean producers :(

2. What was Wizard's fate?

I think everyone belived him so he will continue to help the WMAC masters recover the dragon star (at least he would if the show was still on.)

3. Part of Great Wolf's vision came true. Why didn't the other half involving Tsunami come true?

I think it was sybolic in someway relating to your last question-

4. Is Tsunami the one helping Jukido or not?

in the vision he saves the dragon star so maybe he was in fact trying to protect the dragon star by handcuffing himself to it.


Who is this Jukido?

In Holland info on WMAC is limited. Is he/she a fighter/character?
Which actor/actress?


Revenge is sweet, but I prefer chocolate.


I'll take a stab at what Jukido is: Jukido is probably a brutal style of fighting that the WMAC deems unsafe and not fit for competitive combat. As a result, anyone who's associated or affiliated with Jukido can't be allowed to compete. Apparently, the Jukido masters don't like be singled out like that and are now after the WMAC for not recognizing their style of combat.
