Tick DVD

If there isn't one there needs to be one!


I agree. If the stupid live action show gets it's own DVD, why can't this one have a DVD collection?


yeah the tick on DvD would be great also all the all the Seinfeld episodes, even though it came out before the tick


Definately need a Tick DVD. Or even The Tick on Adult Swim.

Don't need a Seinfeld one, considering Seinfeld is on a few hundred times a day anyway.


chances are you can get it on ebay, iv seen people selling it on there before, homemade obviosly but better than nothin at all. I have heard though that it has been relesed by Fivestar but there's no proof of this that iv ever seen.


Saw the DVD for sale....went to buy.....realised it was the live action series....swore repeatedly.


To answer all the questions I had a parlay with the creator of "The Tick" a bunch of years back. It basically goes that the creator has creative rights while the studio (FOX) has marketing rights. This means that if Fox in anyway wanted to try to market it, syndicate it or do anything with it, they have to pay. Now when this show came out in 1994 syndication had just caught on. But a show of "The Tick"s caliber would make it a masterpiece. This means that Fox would have to pay through the nose for the show. If someone remembers the show did get a run on Cartoon Network for 1 season. So we have to sit on or laurels and wait to see what happens.


I just bought it off e-bay. It is homemade, but it's all the episodes at a pretty good quality. Hi-fi high quality vcr, at sp, with a good quality tape then transfered to 4 dvd's. (every once in a rare while there is a blip in the sound but it doesn't take away from the show- it's just annoying when it happens). I'd still buy it if it comes out on dvd though and give this to someone who might like it but doesn't know it.



everybody sign the petition, i wont rest til i have a tick dvd


Bah, i'm sure you're well rested enough.
Should go with something more realistic and "Tickly"

No square meals! Unless grandma insists...


please god let there be an entire series with all 36 episodes and enough extras that are good enought to **** your mama with please god please god! i loved the comic i loved the cartoon i even loved the live action tv show(puddy from seinfeld was the perfect choice for the tick by the way) and i want a dvd i have them downloaded on my hard drive illegally but i want them legally so i can watch them with surround sound 5.1 so i can hear SPOOOOOON! all around me and the multiple santas marching behind and in front of me please let there be one! i am sure ben edlund is figuring something out he needs to i am 25 and have commercial realestate job but i still find time in the time to crave the tick everyday i want 1994 back dammit oh god please please please!!!
