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How much time did Voyager shave off its 75 year journey home?

I only recently started watching the show and I'm at the start of season 5.They establish at the start of the show that it would take at least 75 years to get home.

But along the way so far, they've cut that time down by quite a lot. Such as the episode I just watched (Timeless), where they took off ten years from their journey. I remember Kes also sent them closer to home when she left and there have been a few other moments here and there where they have mentioned a few months or years have been shaved off. Is there a full list of these, I can't seem to find one.


Good question. I've been re-watching as well and there are several times that they get multiple years closer to the Alpha quadrant. Wouldn't be that surprised if you added it all up, they get home before they left! Didn't Kes throw them 20 or 25 years closer and then the Traswarp alien that tried to get them captured by the Borg got them 10 years closer.


Well, it took them seven years to get home so... 68 years would be the answer you're looking for.

Kes pushed them forward.
Q pushed them forward.


Weren't there also "subspace corridors"?


wasn't the series finale stating it took them 23 years or so and then as you stated they finished the trip in 7


Which tells us that Admiral Janeway shaved 16 years off their 75 year trip.

And that means all the wormholes, catapults and supernatural shoves combined to shave off... 59 years.


Kes sent them 10,000 light years closer.
The catapult sent them a few years closer.
THe slipstream sent them a few years closer.
Q helped them shave off a few years.
I think the subspace corridors helped a bit.

By the beginning of Season 7, they were 35,000 light years away.


I don't recall the episode where "Q" helped them shave off a few years? Can you refresh my memory, please?


I don't recall the episode where "Q" helped them shave off a few years? Can you refresh my memory, please?

Not seen the episode myself yet, but its from season 7 and is an episode titled "Q2":

Q also shows his appreciation to Janeway by giving her information to help shave a few years on their return trip to Earth. Though thankful for that, Janeway asks why Q did not take them all the way home, to which he replies that he would be setting himself as a bad example...


Just re-watched it, you are right. Thanks!


They shaved 68 years off by season 7 since they got back home.


The new astrometrics lab also shaved some time off too IIRC.


I've now watched all the way through Voyager and at the start of the final episode, its mentioned that it took them 23 years to get home in the original timeline.

However, once Captain Janeway travels back in time and changes history, the amount of time their journey home ends up taken them is 7 years, as they were lost in the delta quadrant in 2371 and return home in 2378. So StangZillas was right, 68 years shaved off in the end.
