Voyager Books?

Has anyone read any of the Voyager books? Are they any good and which one to start with?


I read Pathways by Jeri Taylor. The story revolves around a bunch of the crew getting put in an alien prison camp. A lot of unrealistic things happened, and then they were saved at the end. Not recommended.


Thanks for the feedback


Star Trek: Voyager novels never held my attention, but I have heard that the post-novels are quite good. I personally like TOS, TNG, DS9, ENT, and Titan novels over Voyager.


The Voyager books where they return to the Delta Quadrant seem alright.


Titles of those?


Homecoming and The Farther Shore, both by Christie Golden are set immediately after Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant. They are pretty good. The next two books, Spirit Walk Books 1&2, are OK, read them if you want to but you can miss them. The next lot of books, all written by Kirsten Beyer (who, by the way, is going to be one of the writers on Star Trek Discovery) are excellent. The first book is called Full Circle. These novels reference events that happened in TNG books, especially Before Dishonour and the Destiny Trilogy, and although there is a recap of events when they are mentioned, I found that I had to go back and read those books to have a better understanding of those events.
I would definitely recommend reading them.


I would skip the books by Golden honestly. Beyer's first is Full Circle.


I have read soooooooo many ST books, but it's been quite some time. I appreciate the Beyer recommendations, I think I'll pick those up. But FYI to all, Pathways is canon. One of the only books that's actually canon; written by Jeri Taylor. Excellent stuff. Truly sooooo good. Don't skip that one. The rest of those first 20 are kind of eh.


I read so many star trek novels but what was pathways about?


Pathways reminds me a little bit of The Lives of Dax. It's canon backstory for each character. So you get a glimpse -- a rather significant one -- of each character and what really motivates them and makes them tick. I don't remember all of them, so i can't remember which the strong ones were, but I do recall thinking there wasn't really one I didn't enjoy. I really recommend this. And The Lives of Dax, as well!


Didn't know there were any. But Star Trek: Voyager video game Elite Force is awesome.
