MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Discussion > Happy 50th Birthday Star Trek! Humanism ...

Happy 50th Birthday Star Trek! Humanism at its best!

Wow 50 years old today! So much I love about this franchise and enjoyed over the years.

This video sums up what Star Trek means to me, what it always meant to me. It hits at the core of the values of what this program and movie series has always been about and that people should remember:

When I started watching this show, I was a poor black kid raised in the hood and watched the TOS reruns followed by TNG, DS9 and everything else and only expanded my horizons. Too dumb to be an astronaut but it gave me the sense of adventure and to see the world and I have many times over. I'm partly the person I am today (for good and bad) because of the ideals this show taught me. Anyway, give it a watch if you want and remember the 50 years these shows and films has made and that end of the day Star Trek isn't really about the future and aliens or Kirk getting laid, its about the here and now and all the struggles that we still have today, but slowly overcome as we get better little by little.

Marvel 2016: Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, Daredevil, Civil War, Dr. Strange, Luke Cage!


Happy Birthday, Star Trek!!!!
