MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Discussion > Real Aliens and Hollywood Fiction.

Real Aliens and Hollywood Fiction.

I love sci-fi and Star Trek will ALWAYS be my favorite for so many reasons. However, isn't it funny how Hollywood portrays alien species? They are either goofy, blood thirsty, or just grossly incompetent for a species that's suppose to be more advanced than we are. In Star Trek most the main species are similar to Humans and are roughly at the same level of technological advancement. In fact the Prime Directive even dictates that Starfleet personnel cannot initiate contact with a species that's less technologically advanced than they are. As if the only factor to making first contact is whether or not they can move really fast through space! You can create warp drive and still be a divided and unenlightened species!

As far as our species goes technology is our Achilles heel and our saving grace. Without our innovations we are helpless animals on a hostile planet, and with it, we become an unstoppable force of destruction both to ourselves and to the planet. Its no wonder aliens don't make contact with Humans... When you visit a zoo do you have the desire to establish a deep long-term relationship with a hippo? Nope. We consider ourselves above them and that's why they're at the zoo -for our entertainment. We have projects like S.E.T.I. scanning for alien life and they assume that they'll use the same methods of communication as we do. Humanity in its arrogance believes its worthy of that conversation simply because we have selfishly taken over this world.

What if the next alien species that passes this planet is tens of millions of years older than us? What if they have evolved to a point where their technological, biological, and sociological progress is beyond Humanity in every way possible? They don't talk or use speech, they have telepathy that's faster. Their technology doesn't need to be physically touched to work because their brains can control it with a thought. At one point they made war like us until the realized the futility of hurting one another. In our movies we show these aliens in a certain light for our
entertainment but in the end if a species like that wanted to ignore us, or conquer us, we wouldn't stand a chance.

R E S I S T A N C E IS F U T I L E !


This post was cool until it turned into a sermon.

The Federation doesn't make contact with pre-warp civilizations because it doesn't want to influence them in a way that might impede their growth. Making first contact with a warp civilization is necessary in order to confirm what kind of people they are. If they have warp, it's likely they'll interact with the other warp civilizations some day.

I like that Star Trek shows a wide variety of alien races. The fact that they all speak English is a little weird, and the universal translator tech is just a hand-wave, but even so this is reasonable suspension of disbelief.

As for the rest of your post, worry not, there is no alien life beyond Earth. Instead of looking for aliens, you should look for the Creator.


What about the aliens from The Event TV show?

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!
