The mid-22nd Century

I'm confused! There seems 2 be an overtone of there being no Star Fleet. Yet, the physicist who perfected beaming mentions Star Fleet! The same with The Federation. And also non-interference. Yet, we have the Ionians and the Arcons. And A Taste Of Armageddon.


Yet, the physicist who perfected beaming mentions Star Fleet!

At that time, Star Fleet still existed as an Earth-based organization which predated the Federation.

And also non-interference. Yet, we have the Ionians and the Arcons. And A Taste Of Armageddon.

Yes, there are some inconsistencies in how the Prime Directive has been interpreted and presented in different episodes. With the Iotians, they justified it because they were trying to fix the damage caused by an earlier ship visiting the planet before the Prime Directive was enacted. In Return of the Archons, Kirk claimed that the Prime Directive only applied to "healthy" cultures.

As for what happened in A Taste of Armageddon, it was all that popinjay Ambassador Fox's fault. It seems that with societies that are at an advanced technological level, the Prime Directive may not apply as much as merely respecting the sovereignty of an independent power. Eminiar 7 and Vendikar were independent planets outside of Federation jurisdiction, and they were at least advanced enough to transmit warning messages in terms understandable to any space-faring people venturing into the area.


First, sorry I posted this dialogue on VOY imdb msg board! Was jumping bk and forth. Secondly, I was speaking of the earlier vessels that made contact w/ these planets. The 1 that left the "Gangs Of Chicago" book. And advanced a Late Middle Age-Renaissance era ppl into the early 20th Century Industrial Age! Or The Archons who forced contact. And the vessel that ignored the warning signal in ATOA! Yet, their contemporary, Archer, stridently avoided unveiled fraternization.
