
Tell ya Tuvix and Day of honor did make my eyes water. I mean the way JanewAY MAINTAINED EYE CONTACT with Tuvix giving the shot, then straight out walk out without saying a word.


That was a powerful scene and a good ending to the episode, but I would like to have heard what Neelix and Tuvok experienced from their perspectives.


That was a powerful scene and a good ending to the episode, but I would like to have heard what Neelix and Tuvok experienced from their perspectives.

I could see Neelix blabbing for days with excitement recalling what it was like to be Tuvix and wanting to honor him in some way, but Tuvok being blase to the point of me wanting to kick him in the nuts for being so cold-hearted.

IMDB, flagging ppl for bull💩 since 1995. 


Agreed, intehpipe. This was a beautiful script with gorgeous performances, especially by the Tuvix actor and Kate. It's one of the few eps to truly demonstrate the very lonely burden of command.


Didnt Data of TNG say something similar as Tuvix about his life?

End of line


It's a bit odd to say, but Tuvix is one of the few episodes in all of Trek that still haunts me to this day.


still a question about Data with the same speech? anyone

End of line


I wasn't sure what you meant. I think if this is going to be anywhere it'll be in either "Measure of a Man," or the episode where Data captains a ship. and the jerkwad officer questions him and won't follow him, forget the title of that one.


I think that was Redemption part 2.


You're right!


Also happened in 'Gambit', only the jerkwad officer was Worf in that one.


A few years back there was a thread about the ethics of Janeway's decision. Did she kill Tuvix or save Tuvok and Neelix. Were Tuvok and Neelix dead and Tuvix an new lifeform...etc and boy it turned out into outright war. It went on for over 300 posts.

If you dip your foot into a pool of piranhas don't cry when you lose a toe!😞🐟


To the best of your recollection, what was the overall feeling of that thread? Were most of the posters pro-Janeway? Or con?


I'd say it was fairly even but I just remember the con-Janeways seemed to take it bit more personally.

If you dip your foot into a pool of piranhas don't cry when you lose a toe!😞🐟


I just saw this episode for the first time since it aired, and man, was that tough to watch.

What's brilliant about it is that the writers didn't cop out and turn Tuvix into a total dick in the end to make the separation emotionally easier on the audience. They could've done this thing where he decided to take one of the crew hostage or something so that everyone is rooting for him to "die". But nope, he says his piece and then graciously surrenders like the gentleman that he is.

IMDB, flagging ppl for bull💩 since 1995. 


Well said.


You are so very right here. It's really a brilliant piece of writing and performance. I am always shocked when I see this episode on worst lists. I think it's one of the finest pieces of Trek that's ever been presented.


Tuvix was the best Voyager. I was crying so much watching that episode that I got a migraine headache.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!
