Distant Origins

I could swear the premise of this episode is the idea behind the Super Mario Brothers movie.


Well I don't know about that part but there is a similar idea floating.

To me it was the Theory of Evolution being held down by ignorant morons.
Morons who wanted to keep science out and THAT didn't make sense considering how advanced they were in every other area.

Good thing we got passed that in America because it used to be in Europe saying anything but god created the Earth was a death sentence.
Which is why the story made no sense. In our dark ages or the Middle East science didn't exist.BUT here science is extremely advanced. So fighting Distant Origins was didn't make sense and came across as stupid.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Science most certainly did exist in the Middle East in the Dark Ages!


True that. Shame what happened.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Science is still held back by religion in the 21st century. Look at things like challenges to evolution and climate change, to name a few.

Germany was one of the most advanced societies in the 1930s when it came to science, but they were teaching their children that the German race was superior to all others. And advances in science were even hurt by cutting Jews like Albert Einstein out of their society.

So advanced societies CAN be held back by "doctrine." Perhaps if they weren't held back by doctrine, the Voth would be far more advanced.
