MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Discussion > Random Thoughts Spoliers all over

Random Thoughts Spoliers all over

I am still binging on Voyager (as explained in another post why)and this episode exemplified exactly why Janeway is actually a dangerous captain.

Her character as written is at heart cowardly and afraid to take action to save her crew by whining about prime directive or other people's laws.

IN the episode (granted we know nothing will happen to B'elanna)Janeway is willing to allow her officer to be, for all intents and purposes, executed if it destroys her brain all because "Hey we don't want to upset them. Lets try to see if we can make friends with them and investigate ourselves"

THIS is where a true leader steps in, transports her officer out THEN says okay we'll continue with the investigation and if you have a problem with it let us show you what Voyager can do to your local crops.

OR you can stop and we'll see what happened and if she is indeed guilty of one of your idiotic laws WE'LL see to her punishment but not you.

Instead she tries to be Mr Rogers, Rebeccas of SunnyBrook Farm and whoever the purple dinosaur was. NOT the sign of a good leader.

Your crew ALWAYS comes first. ALWAYS. Especially in the situation they are in.

I sure as hell hope she grows up and realizes not everything can be done through diplomacy. Flex your muscle.

Interesting how it took the Vulcan to step in and really go the extra mile when the capt refused to

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Yes, that example was discussed elsewhere. I also compared it to Janeway's willingness to go after Seven of Nine and ignore another culture's borders and migration laws, even though Seven basically assaulted Voyager and crew in order to escape.

A more recent example is how she gave holo technology to the Hirogen to do with as they pleased. This, after scolding Seven for beaming 8472 over to the Hirogen in order to save the ship.

Now, I understand that captains can make mistakes too, but Janeway's were just downright hypocritical.


DaytonaBob; 1st of all, which episode are you speaking of?! 2nd, during the Borg/Species 84267, Janway went headlong 2 rendezvous with the Borg 2 talk truce! A very bold, though reckless, gesture! 3rd, I see you have no regard 4 the Prime Directive. Kirk was willing 2 let Spock and McCoy and himself 2 be slaughtered on the Roman World. Though I agree w/ u and Checotay! VOY is too removed 2 worry about The PD, all the time. 4th, the name of that dinosaur was/is Barney.


tt it was "Random thoughts"

End of line
