7 of 9

One of the main subplots of Voyager is the attempted humanization of 7 of 9. And to increase her social skills. Maybe someone should tell her to smile once in a while. She never smiles.


If Seven of Nine was a man nobody would even comment on that. He'd also probably have been given a professional uniform instead of a skin tight catsuit that could show you the heights at which his testicles hang.


You must be new to Star Trek then because everybody's outfit is skin tight and you can often make out the outline of the male actor's cock.


No, that person has just been listening to Ashley Judd too much. Upset about periods and having taxes on tampons and what not.


Re: 7 of 9
image for user Ndirsch11
by Ndirsch11
» Sun Jan 15 2017 15:45:53 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since December 2002
You must be new to Star Trek then because everybody's outfit is skin tight and you can often make out the outline of the male actor's cock.

this has never happened 
