
I just got to season 4, did I miss the explanation about what happened to wade? seems like they forgot all about her or something


In S04E01 - Genesis .. it is explained that Wade was captured by the Kromaggs and shipped to a breeding colony on some other earth.

I am re-watching Sliders also and am presently 6 episodes into Season 4.


She quit the series after Fox dropped it and they wrote her out as explained in Exodus, however there is such a bad continuity between the Fox shows and the Sci-Fy shows that she is hardly an afterthought from season four on.


no she left because of the new girl

Bond James Bond


There's a comprehensive write up on why she left, among other production tidbits, here: http://www.dimensionofcontinuity.com/bts.htm#sabrina

I appreciate being thorough, but now you're just taking the nickel tour.


Thanks, very good article.


The actress who played Wade was unhappy with the "casting changes". She and the actress that played Maggie didn't get along well. Apparently, Wade was dating a crew member, and Maggie was mean to the crew...Meanwhile, the network wanted to cut the budget......

Wade ended up being sentenced to a prison camp where she was repeatedly raped by Kromaggs. Part of a breeding camp project. Yeah, an incredible lame and needlessly cruel end to the character.


Horrible end for Wade. This really makes me mad.


I didn't even know she left the show. I'm just about to start season 4. While she was really annoying at times, I'm not sure how I'll feel about the dynamic of the team without her. Guess I'll soon find out
