Jerry O'Connell now

He was such a star in his teens, then prime actor and producer of Sliders.. then Jerry Miguire and nothing else. Did he loose his wave? He's hamdsome and funny, won't he blockbuster again?


I remember he went to law school, took a break from acting. I think I read somewhere he returned to acting.


He was never a bonafide star. He starred in a relatively low budget cult tv show for a few years but never crossed over to the silver screen as a leadng actor. Still had some minor roles in some films. Either way, many actors would be envious of the career he has had.



My favorite movie, that he was in, was "Joe's apartment."



Yes! This movie is absolutely hilarious and surprisingly very well done.

Let's also not forget Jerry's role in Stand By Me.


Jerry O'Connell has always been a puzzle to me, with his acting. In the early days of Sliders he appears to actually be a fairly competent actor. He wasn't given a whole lot to do, to stretch himself, but the role of Quinn wasn't without it's emotional weight, that I thought he conveyed nicely; and he seemed fairly believable as a very brilliant scientist. Somewhere along the way though, his more dramatic delivery kind of became a bit campy. There's one late in his run in the series where they come across alternate sliders where Quinn is a rock star, and he seemed like he was doing a parody of Austin Powers - which is entirely possible, given the time period of would have been done in.
More recently, within the last year or so, I saw him in a very brief guest spot on the series The Librarians, which stars his wife Rebecca Romijn in a lead role; where he plays a young version of season 1 antagonist, Lancelot.... and it was almost painful to watch him try to be threatening (and attempt a British accent).

At one point he was in the failed pilot for a Munsters revival, where I believe he played Herman Munster, a few years back. I think NBC(?) claimed it was only ever supposed to be a one off special or something when it didn't perform well. I had wanted to see it and ended up missing it, but I was told it wasn't very good. I kind of want to look it up though.

"What are you worried about, a fate worse than death?"
"No, just death. Isn't that enough?"


The guy acts all over the place, in guest parts, and voice acting.

And recurring on Billions.


For a while he was breaking out.

From 95 to 2000. He had Sliders (producing/directing/writing), supporting roles in Jerry Maguire, Scream 2, Mission to Mars. Then he had Tomcats, Buying the Cow, Kangaroo Jack and the tv series Crossing Jordan. His career died out soon after for whatever reason. He went from doing pretty dramatic stuff to doing mostly zany ridiculous stuff


Recently he played the father of Gabi on "Young & Hungry". I was in shock because I don't think of him as old enough play her dad. He was great, though! He is so good with comedy!
