MovieChat Forums > Sliders (1995) Discussion > I'd forgotten how bad it had gotten towa...

I'd forgotten how bad it had gotten towards the end of season 3

Recently started watching Sliders again because it's on netflix now, and now I remember why I stopped watching it towards the end of season 3 after the professor died. One reason being that they all started hating each other, wow so much infighting in a group of people that up to that point had had a "we're all in this together" attitude and had gotten so close. Then the professor, everyone's guru and the voice of reason, died and they added a very unlikable bitchy character in his place. And the story lines and special effects became lazy and cheap.

Anyway, that's my take on the whole thing.


It was remarkable how the characterizations changed drastically when Wuhrer came on. Going from the insights of the Professor to good old fashioned Jiggle TV was quite a switch - the writers must have loved how the challenge of writing dialogue for Arturo became the more simple challenge of getting Kari into a bra.
