on DVD or VHS?

I loved this show when I was younger! But of course I haven't seen it since it was taken off the air =P I know it's a long shot but does anyone know if I can find this on DVD or VHS? Online would be nice too! (The lycos link another person posted didn't work for me =() Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Wikipedia is your friend.


There were also recently DVD releases in France and in Serbia.


I've seen at least one volume of the English DVD at my local Dollar Tree, if you can believe it--I'll see if I can knock out a torrent or summat eventually.




I remember going to a video store and renting this or something like this when I was younger; am i imagining things?

Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.


There were VHS releases of the first season, even the IMDb picture shows one of them to illsutrate this entry.
