Funniest scene?

What scenes do you think are the funniest?

My favourites are:
Mr Collins' proposal
Mr and Mrs Bennett's reaction to the proposal
The Bennetts' discussion after the first ball "No lace Mrs Bennett!"
Mrs Bennett panicking when Mr Bingley turns up to propose.


All very funny scenes.

Not only Mr Collins' proposal, but his condolence call after Lydia's elopement. In the novel he only sent a letter, and Mr Collins would not have travelled all that way to express his sentiments in person; but I can understand why the filmmakers had him come to Longbourn. His "sympathetic" message was such a masterpiece of nastiness and passive-aggressiveness, covered up by badly chosen platitudes, that it deserved an entire scene to itself.

Also Mr Bennet's response to Mrs B grieving that they would be put out of the house the minute Mr Bennet died. He urged her to think positively, and consider the possibility that he might outlive her. I thought that was hilarious.

I also laughed at the scene in which Mr Bennet is going to answer the door in the middle of the night; we can hear Mrs Bennet, back in the bedroom, overreacting as usual, screeching that they are all going to be murdered in their beds, while Mr B doggedly ignores her.

Basta, basta, basta.


"The other way Mr Collins" (dance scene) always cracks me up


Mr Collins and the Bennett parents provide great comic relief to the main storyline. They are all so brilliantly cast. I just love the subtlety and wit of Mr Bennett against the hysterics of his wife.


Anything with Mr Collins.

Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown.


Mrs. Bennet talking about “Mr. Darcy, as he calls himself.” (As if that’s not his name.)

Lady Catherine’s reactions to Lizzy, they way she slowly turns her head and the way the camera zooms in on her.

The scene in Lizzy’s imagination of Darcy and the sisters talking too Bingley, looming over him as if they are doing an intervention.

Lizzy’s reply to Mr. Collins “few could boast” comment. (The way she says it implies few could boast because few would find it boast worthy.

Kitty in the back ground peeking in the window to see if Mr. Collins is still there.

Things I found funny that probably weren’t intended to be:

The way Jane is just plodding along when she gets caught in the rain.

Darcy’s floating decapitated head popping up in reflective surfaces.

Bingley calling for his horse as if he’s in a big hurry then it cuts to him ridding and the horse is just trotting along, and then to top it off Mrs. Bennet’s screech is heard while the picture is still on Bingley and the ridding music is still playing half leading me to expect a “yeee-haw”.


When Mr Bennett says "Your mother will never speak to you again if you don't marry Mr Collins and I will never speak to you again if you do". The delivery of that line, plus Mrs Bennett's hysterical outburst afterwards, just cracks me up every time, probably the best scene of the series for me. So funny how Lizzy's mother totally expects her husband to back her up and just how out of touch with his character she is. I just love how he uses subtle humour to rescue Lizzy and assert his intellectual superiority.


I'm surprised no one said when Mr. Collins runs into Lydia in her undergarments out in the hallway! I just completely break down every time over his reaction.

~It is very rare that a person is taken for what they truly are.~


The way Lydia giggled, at Mr. Collins, making him feel embarrassed, when she was exposed, and the vulnerable. Then as he was walking down the stairs, there are screams of laughter heard from the girls' bedroom.


When the remaining Bennets arrive at Netherfield and Mr. Hurst tries to escape the room only to realise it's too late already. Cracks me up every time.


Yeah, that was a great scene. Loved it! I watched it again tonight and he did finally escape. A few seconds after Mrs. Bennet starts yapping away, you could see him sneak out the door behind her when no one was looking.😂


Except for Lydia! lol She's a riot. I wonder if she doesn't know a great deal more than she lets on.

~It is very rare that a person is taken for what they truly are.~
