Favorite Ep?

If this has been done before, I'm not too stupid to go check, I'm just damn lazy.

Anyway, my favorite episode would be when Pinky manages to gain control of the World, to give to Brain for Brain's birthday. But Brain thinks Pinky was doing it for himself then loses control.



i haven't seen the show in a while, but there are a few i remember loving:

the one where brain lets pinky come up with the scheme, and they take over through a series of coincidences until brain tries to control the plan again.

the one where brain makes the really sad movie (brain's song), then gets all the world leaders to give him their countries.

the one where brain turns a remote island into a country called brainania, then goes to war with the us, and gets them to sign a treaty because they can't find his country and thus can't attack it.

i loved just about every episode until they turned into pinky, elmyra and the brain and it instantly began sucking royally. those are just a few that i can still remember.


The episode where Brain tries to infiltrate an organization of world leaders known as THEY. Also, does anyone remember what THEY stood for? Because, for the life of me, I can't remember it.


THEY stood for "The Horde of Ecumenical Yodelers".

My 2 favorite episodes are "Pinky Suavo", where Pinky becomes a sophisticated lady's man after being subjected to Brain's Personalatron, and "My Feldmans, My Friends" where Pinky and Brain live next door to the delightfully whacky Sultana Sultana


Thanks, this has been bugging me for a while now.


Two come to mind. The "Beatles" one where "Jim Lemon" meets and falls in love with the ghastly "Yoyo Nono". The one where Brain has his billion-dollar cheque and Pinky folds it into a bird-shape and cackles, "Birdy birdy birdy" on the raft, causing Brain to capriciously snatch the cheque and tear it into a billion pieces! I loved the look on Brain's face when he realized!

"Hmmm, I see they have Internet on computer now."


My fav is when they go to the sunken titanic and the U.S. sends those two guys after them. It's sort of a Hunt for Red October rip.
Favorite quotes from the one sub-hunter guy:
"I don't like to celebrate at the death of others." *pause* "Usually!!"


Mine would have to be the episode when they find baby Superman. That one was cute and funny.

*All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.*


my fav is the one where they did the schmerskahoven dance, classic


fav is bubba bo bob brain. just so funny when he sits on the couch with extensions on his legs.

"who's your datty en whot duss he do?"



I liked the one where Pinky had an obsession with Cher...

(Can't remember his line exactly) Brain: What is all this foolishness-
Pinky: Shhh brain...not in front of the Cher can crusher...*pushes a button and a plastic hand holding a can comes up and hits a fake Cher head, crushing it.*

The original rumrunning, Frodo-tripping, Lostralian-Zombie-Pirate Queen!


That would be "The Third Mouse," a take on The Third Man. Also my favorite.


Yes, Always
