I'm gonna explode

if I see one more idiot spelling his name Scorcese, I mean you gotta be extremely dense to not see his name right there near "Directors:". I would understand it on some lonely page on the Internet, but hello people, this is the IMDb, you can see his name everywhere. I love most of all the stupid Scorsese fanboys that do this, they're not one or two, but legions.

So yeah dudes, his name is SCOR S ESE.


Thank you! I hate that too!


I think youre exsaggerating and overeacting. Not too many peopel write the directors name as Scorsese, so why vylivy them?

BTW 'gonna' is hardly standard Engelish, is it?




"if I see one more idiot spelling his name Scorcese"
Once, I remember seeing his name spelled that way on the spine of a book about his films!

'What does it matter what you say about people?'
Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958).
