so underappreciated

this show is f^cking hilarious, what the hell?!


at least it's on DVD now... I always thought Partners was a much better show.


Ned and Stacey RULES!!!!! Especially since I got the DVD for Christmas!!!!! Santa's been good to me this year!!! LOL Love that show. Love Ned's one-liners!! Cracks me up!!


Are we going to get the DVD in the UK though? Fantastic show... and all the leads have gone on to better things which just proves their talent.


i agree the show was definitely unappreciated what with neds briallint one liners, if only it had of gone for a few more seasons


I think it was appreciated somewhat since it was a flop and Fox actually renewed it for a second season, this time Fox took a gamble and didn't pay off while usually destroying great comedies like the Tick before they find an audience and now screwing over Arrested Development. I didn't realize both Charlie Kaufman and Alan Ball wrote for this show, that's crazy.

"Die or adapt" - Patrick Bateman


Devilsreject: The only gamble I recall Fox ever taking w/this show was moving it all over the schedule board like the worst chess game ever played....So much so even I had a difficult time trying to find the right time to watch it when it WAS on the air and I was an avid watcher of the show.

I agree that, if a show doesn't happen to debut as a break-out mega-hit, Fox has a tendency to destroy shows just when or even before they find an audience for it (example: Arrested Development or of course our beloved N&S). I notice this is more of a pattern w/Fox than any other network....In fact I've observed other networks do the exact opposite: they repeatedly bash you over the head with a new show in which they are trying to garner an audience/more ratings, giving it every possible chance for exposure (w/o going as willy-nilly on moving the time slot up, down & all-around) before giving up. I have a hunch that if NBC had picked it up, N&S would have had a much better chance of running it's course....Not that NBC is perfect *lol*

-"humanity is a condition that must be overcome"


Exactly. AD was a BRILLIANT show.
