MovieChat Forums > The Maxx (1995) Discussion > can someone please explain to me

can someone please explain to me

what this show was about and the themes of it? i used to watch it as a little kid and it was all way over my head and have started watching it again now, whats the secret that mr gone knows about between julie and maxx? is maxx just delusional, or did the outback world really exist?


Do you really want it spoiled for you?
You can pick up the comics which are now in tradeback, which gives you the whole story. Although, I do think there are a number of mysteries left unsolved purposly. Also, The Maxx was cancelled after issue 35, so we never do get the whole story.


It's really hard to nail down a single theme for The Maxx, and that's a good thing. I would have to say that it is about life both outer and inner world. And for our characters what happens to those worlds when abuse destablizes them and the quest for our hero/heroine to heal. Nothing is black or white, it is all a shade of grey or in this case purple. All of this is played out in dramatic fashion in the two worlds.

Mr. Gone knows about Juile and Maxx's life long before we pick up the story. And because of that he has power. Mr. Gone knows who The Maxx really is and how he came about to be and what he has to do in order to heal. Mr. Gone is also part of their past lives and has the power to enter their outbacks. The outback is real, we all have an outback and yes, it can kill us.

The story opens a lot of great questions. What is a hero? What does it mean to be heroic? Sure, you can fight and die for something, but can you face your own demons and have the courage to live? Kieth brings into the spotlight feelings and thoughts from childhood that often are cast aside as childish, yet in psychology we know only confronting these things can we save ourselves. As for worlds, what is real? Something is only real if it has importance, so there is a lot of deep philosophical thought going on here.

