MovieChat Forums > Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1995) Discussion > Who do you think Hercules's archenemy wa...

Who do you think Hercules's archenemy was

Out of the 3 main contenders Hera, Ares and Dahak.

Its hard to say.

All 3 were responsible for tragedies in Herc's life.

Hera burned his family.

Ares killed his wife.

Dahak killed his best friend and forced him to fight him.

Of the three of them however Hera's was the only one that stuck I guess LOL.

Hera is typically his archfoe in the myths, however Ares is more of a classical nemesis to Hercules his dark twin, a son of zeus who uses his power for evil, he corrupted Xena, whilst Hercules put her on the path to redemption. On the other hand Dahak is the most powerful of the three. He's stronger than Hera and Ares combined. However Ares outlasts all of them in the end. Dahak is destroyed whilst Hera and Hercules make amends both in the last episode of the series and in Xena whilst Ares continues on as his archfoe for thousands and thousands of years even until the modern era where his still trying to get Hercules the Legendary Journey's off of the air.

Of the three of them I would say I like Ares the best as a character and Dahak as a villain. Hera IMO just sucks. She was interesting in the myths, but in the show she was so boring. She was just a big pair of eyes in the sky except for two episodes. I think I would have actually preferred it if she stayed in Tartarus. I loved that ending to her character "I wont miss you" I'm sorry but I refuse to believe Hercules would ever trust the woman who murdered his children I also didn't find Hera's heel face turn in God Fearing Child either. Dahak was more scary and Ares was a better foil for him someone Sorbo could actually act against as opposed to a big pair of eyes just laughing.

However I guess as Hera burned his family she probably is the strongest contender.



Although it fell flat in the end, Id give it to Dahak.

Hera was a thorn in his side for ages. She tormented and tried to kill Hercules and took away his fmaily. However, his family was living in blissful paradise. With every victory, Hercules was becoming more and more popular and respected by the people and many Olympians...Hera was creating her worst enemy. But in the end, she betrayed Zeus to save Hercules. I sort of took that as a burying of the hatchet. She knew she wold die for it and still saved what was once her worst enemy.

Ares went from a grave threat to more of a nuisance towards the end. Not to say he didnt have his schemes that had varying degrees of success. But he went away sulking at the last episode of HTLJ. And they had also teamed up to try to stop Michael (fat chance there). So while he was an adversary, it wasnt absolute and he wasnt the biggest threat.

Dahak had barely lost to the combined might of all the Titans. He brought fear into the hearts of all the Olympians causing them to flee. His mere minions were considerable foes capable of giving even Hercules a serious fight. He sought and had the ability to dominate the world. He brought the end of the Druids, most of the Sumerians, and nearly everyone else. They had so much potential for a crossover and final battle where the Olympians could have helped Hercules, iolus, and Xena..but it never came to pass. I do suspect however, had Dahak won, Michael and company would have rode into town and wiped him and his minions out.

Sorry for the lnog reply, but it was a good question.

"Mankind cannot solve the world's problems. Mankind is the problem."



Besides the Hera and Ares things were just family feuds, the same kind of thing you saw in Dynasty.
