Morrigian and Xena

Morrigian and Xena seem to have many parrallels. do u think that the creators created Moriigian because there were still fans banking on a Xena and Hercules relationship and since Xena had her own show and many fans were pairring her with Ares or Gabrielle they decided to create someone very similar to Xena for Hercules?


She was created for the closing Dahok story right? Is it possible they were originally Xena scripts that later became Hercules for some some reason.
Morrigan vanished after it was over and other than some lame recurrence later on doesn't really impede on Herc's life.


I am think these scripts were suppose to be a crossover scriptures


I believe they were cross over scripts as well, the Dahak storyline was suppose to be a Hercules Season 4|Xena Season 3 Storyline arc, then Kevin had his anerysm and the storyline got halted and held up until the following season, I remember reading a Gina Torress interview once, where she was suppose to be filming the Nebula episodes during Hercules' 4th Season and had to stick around longer in New Zealand. I was never ever a Morrigan fan or the Eire storyline to begin with and it would have been more interesting with Xena battling Dahak with Hercules.
