
I've seen a lot of people shipping Ares and Iphicles and, despite them both being played by Kevin Tod Smith (who was gorgeous and who will always be the best Ares may he RIP), I guess I don't completely understand why people ship them. Could any Ares/Iphicles shippers explain it to me?


They might just get a kick out of the idea of Kevin Smith literally being in love with himself, playing two people.


Because Kevin Smith had great range. You should see him in a Young Hercules episode where he plays an invalid who happens to be a deadringer for the God of War.

He had awesome chemistry with Ryan Gosling. It was a truly hilarious episode, and combine that with Discord & Strife's confusion over how to treat the fake Ares.....who happened to be the REAL one. Oh my ribs!!

He also played Bacchus in the show, and he actually looked identical to Anthony Ray Parker's version in Xena. I didn't even realize it was Kevin until I saw the credits.
